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Old Aug 22, 2009, 08:22 AM // 08:22   #161
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Originally Posted by aleaf92 View Post
PvE is still very easy. We all need HHM [Harder Hard Mode].

Ursan made PUGs come back.
Zquests did that too but better.
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Old Aug 22, 2009, 10:23 AM // 10:23   #162
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I still only have rank 3 or lower, so no I don't miss it since I've never used it loOl.
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Old Aug 22, 2009, 04:23 PM // 16:23   #163
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How often do people kill Mallyx these days ?
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Old Aug 22, 2009, 05:14 PM // 17:14   #164
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Do I miss Ursan?

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Old Aug 23, 2009, 03:59 PM // 15:59   #165
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Yes I miss Ursan. Why? Simply because everyone could do everything there is to do with it, without being left out. Try doing a PuG Slavers with a Warrior.

Ursan brought Pug's back, better than Zaishen ever did. Every endgame area was filled with a variety of characters.

I like PuG's but it seems that every area has a certain build to be played if you don't have a character within that build, you're left out. Ursan didn't do that. It could have been overpowered and somewhat lame to play with but everyone could play everything with everyone else without the problem of running a certain build.
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Old Aug 23, 2009, 07:11 PM // 19:11   #166
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Originally Posted by Mulkor View Post
Ursan brought Pug's back, better than Zaishen ever did. Every endgame area was filled with a variety of characters.
Pffft. Bull. Endagme areas were filled with retards with ursan in their skillbar. Hate to break it to you, but that's not variety.
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Old Aug 23, 2009, 07:46 PM // 19:46   #167
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Originally Posted by BlackSephir View Post
Pffft. Bull. Endagme areas were filled with retards with ursan in their skillbar. Hate to break it to you, but that's not variety.
And the other option is a few classes running cookie cutter builds (in DoA, for example, a team build called "balanced") which is not variety either.
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Old Aug 23, 2009, 08:09 PM // 20:09   #168
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I hardly used it except to kill the doppleganger in hardmode so not really.It would of been nice if it could of killed The glacial griffon as I still got that to do.

Last edited by Age; Aug 23, 2009 at 08:12 PM // 20:12..
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Old Aug 23, 2009, 09:27 PM // 21:27   #169
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Originally Posted by AKB48 View Post
I'd rather half the damage or even cut the damage by 2/3 than having Ursan the way it is now. The whole problem was that it does waaaaaaaaaay too much damage at little cost and made pve eassssssssssssssssssssssy(somehow that = bad in some people's minds). So instead of making it annoying to play with, why not just adjust the problem it self? Less damage would solve the problem. But......Anet thought otherwise. Xp
Problem is, this sadly wouldn't cure the complaints. People would just say " Oh it's not nerfed it's just slower,,,,,,, /sigh.
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Old Aug 23, 2009, 09:46 PM // 21:46   #170
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Originally Posted by BlackSephir View Post
Pffft. Bull. Endagme areas were filled with retards with ursan in their skillbar. Hate to break it to you, but that's not variety.

And Perma Sins everywhere are? Or any other endgame area with a fixed team build is?
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Old Aug 23, 2009, 10:52 PM // 22:52   #171
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I'm just saying that your reasoning is faulty.
First, I was talking about variety of characters not builds.
Second, You can find several people with determinate professions and specific builds running almost every endgame area in the game which corroborates my statement that variety of professions is faulty. You can't use a Warrior in Slavers, for instance.
Third, You talk about variety yet you talk about the in-game situation as if the nerf of Ursan brought it, which is actually the contrary, it only shutted some professions down from doing certain parts of the game.
Fourth, You don't tell me to shut up.
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 01:43 AM // 01:43   #172
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i kinda miss but not too much, i miss it because everyone could use where as permas can only be used by sins easily, also it kinda made puggin a hella lot easier but it was OPed so w/e.
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 03:12 AM // 03:12   #173
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DoA is kind of dead now without a guild group. It would be nice if Ursan was brought back for elite areas ONLY.
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 03:20 AM // 03:20   #174
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I quit when Ursan took over pugs and elite areas. If it's returned, I may quit again or actually H/H willingly.

I like PuG's but it seems that every area has a certain build to be played if you don't have a character within that build, you're left out. Ursan didn't do that. It could have been overpowered and somewhat lame to play with but everyone could play everything with everyone else without the problem of running a certain build.
As long as you ran Ursan...
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 03:28 AM // 03:28   #175
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Originally Posted by Cuilan View Post
I quit when Ursan took over pugs and elite areas. If it's returned, I may quit again or actually H/H willingly.

As long as you ran Ursan...

So you haven't quit because of shadow form? Same thing, different skill, and making these areas pretty much exclusive to sins.
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 05:53 AM // 05:53   #176
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Originally Posted by Barrage View Post
So you haven't quit because of shadow form? Same thing, different skill, and making these areas pretty much exclusive to sins.
But shadow form is fragile, one misclick, lag, missed moment of concentration..etc. and you're done. There is no back up, little chance of survival. Even in the case you hit shadow form as it ends, you lose all but ~50hp and you risk of having shadow form interrupted or you getting hexed. So Ursan is by far much more safer than shadow form, therefore better and it deals a tremendous amount of damage at little cost. While with shadow form you can't spam skills, you need to which out for skills that go through shadow form, etc.

But just to drop this here, does anyone of you think UW can be done in a timely and "economically sound"(the plats you pay<total plats you can earn per run, on average) matter without UWSC? FoW can be done with a pug, w/o focway or manly way, but just a regular group of people with some profession specifications. But UW? No, uwsc is so far the only build that I know of that can finish the place and get the end-chest reward in a timely and "economically sound" matter.
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 09:52 AM // 09:52   #177
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Originally Posted by Mulkor View Post
And Perma Sins everywhere are? Or any other endgame area with a fixed team build is?
Are you actually defending yesterday's ursan with today's sf? Because something now is bad for the game it justifies the shit stuff that happened earlier?
Wow, nice logic right there. And nice putting words in my mouth, since I didn't say anything that SF sins are okay. Next time try to think a bit when you're about to post, it might hurt, but do it.
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 02:12 PM // 14:12   #178
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I only miss Ursan because it allowed all professions to be a part of something together instead of shunning the non meta build professions. Now everyone wants Perma sins to do the work for them and it's's way worse than ursan was. Cryway and rojway as well. Until they get fixed, I'll continue to be happy with how ursan used to be.
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 02:42 PM // 14:42   #179
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Old Aug 24, 2009, 02:58 PM // 14:58   #180
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Ursan was great for me , I am a person who doesn't play gw 24hrs a day to grind a dam title, actually I hated the titles because of that, so it was fun with Ursan for gettings the title, now the Ursan blessing is still there , but nerfed , its ok , especially using with the Asuran skill that recharge the skill every time you kill a foe , well it doesn't recharge it every time but sometimes works good and you can have unlimited ursan blessing.
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